Collect Feedback & Act on it in AI way

Collect Feedback & Act on it in AI way

Campion is an advanced survey platform designed to empower users with cutting-edge AI capabilities.

Campion is an advanced survey platform designed to empower users with cutting-edge AI capabilities. It is a revolutionary survey platform designed to transform your research. It leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to streamline the process, unlock deeper data insights, and empower you to make informed decisions. Go beyond traditional surveys and unlock deeper audience insights with Campion. We empower you to conduct targeted campaigns, gather valuable feedback, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategies.

What is Campion?

Campion is an innovative project designed to revolutionize the way surveys are conducted and analyzed. At its core, Campion facilitates campaign management by enabling users to create surveys and collect responses from their audience effortlessly. What sets Campion apart is its integration of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout the survey process. Unlike traditional platforms that offer pre-defined question banks, Campion provides an AI-driven question bank tailored to each campaign type, allowing for the automatic generation of up to 10 AI questions during setup.

Once a survey is created, users can distribute it efficiently by sharing links via social media or direct copying. Campion features robust tracking capabilities, allowing for the monitoring of individual respondent records and overall response trends. Post-survey, Campion leverages AI to analyze feedback and provide actionable suggestions for improvement, enhancing the effectiveness of future campaigns.

Additionally, Campion supports audience segmentation, enabling targeted email campaigns to specific groups. It offers seamless bulk import of audience data for streamlined operations. The platform ensures transparency and accountability with its Activity Log, which tracks all user actions comprehensively. Organizations can gain valuable insights through Campion's Report Module, which generates detailed reports tailored to organizational needs.

Campion offers flexible subscription plans, allowing customers to choose according to their specific requirements. This comprehensive suite of features makes Campion not just a survey tool, but a powerful ally in optimizing survey outcomes and driving informed decision-making.
Overall, Campion aims to streamline and improve the efficiency of campaign management by harnessing AI for audience engagement and result analysis.​


  1. AI-Generated Questions: Tailored Surveys Without the Hassle: Campion features an advanced AI-driven question generation functionality that takes the hassle out of creating surveys. Based on the nature and name of your campaign, our intelligent system generates tailored questions automatically. This means you no longer need to sift through predefined templates or spend valuable time crafting questions yourself. With our AI's ability to understand the nuances of your campaign, you can ensure your surveys are both relevant and engaging, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – gathering insightful feedback and making informed decisions.

  2. Actionable Insights: AI-Driven Suggestions for Post-Survey Success: Campion goes above and beyond by offering AI-driven suggestions based on the responses gathered from your surveys. Unlike other applications that leave you with raw data, our system analyzes the feedback and provides actionable recommendations on the next steps to take. This innovative feature ensures that you not only understand your audience's insights but also know how to effectively act on them. By guiding you through the post-survey process, our product helps you maximize the impact of your surveys, driving meaningful improvements and informed decision-making.

  3. Precision Targeting: Group and Engage Your Ideal Audience Effortlessly: The app features a powerful audience grouping functionality that allows you to categorize your audience into various groups and precisely target your surveys to the right segment. This ensures that your surveys reach the most relevant audience, enhancing the quality and accuracy of the feedback you receive. By tailoring your surveys to specific groups, you can gather more insightful data and make more informed decisions, ultimately driving better outcomes for your campaigns.

  4. Sharing Feedback Forms Through Multiple Channels: Campion makes it easy to distribute your feedback forms across various platforms. Share your forms seamlessly on social media (LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram, X, Facebook, and more), send them via email to selected individuals or groups, embed them directly on your website or mobile app, or opt for manual sharing. This flexibility ensures you can reach your audience wherever they are, maximizing engagement and response rates.

  5. Live Feedback Streaming: Experience real-time insights with our live streaming feature, allowing you to watch feedback submissions as they happen directly on your dashboard. This dynamic view keeps you instantly informed, enabling prompt responses and immediate action based on the latest feedback trends.

  6. Individual and Collective Response Tracking: Campion allows for the tracking of individual respondent records and provides insights into collective response trends, facilitating detailed analysis and reporting.

  7. Bulk Import of Audience Data: Users can import large audience lists in bulk, streamlining campaign management and ensuring efficient data handling.

  8. Report Module for Organizational Insights: The Report Module in Campion generates detailed reports tailored to organizational needs, providing valuable insights for data-driven decision-making and strategic planning..

  9. Activity Log for Comprehensive User Tracking: Campion includes an Activity Log that tracks all user actions, promoting transparency and accountability across survey operations.

  10. Flexible Subscription Plans: Campion offers flexible subscription plans, allowing organizations to choose a plan that best suits their specific requirements and budget constraints.


Target Users?

Campion is a versatile B2B SaaS product designed to revolutionize how businesses gather, analyze, and act on feedback. However, Campion's flexibility and ease of use extend beyond the corporate world. Individuals can also leverage its powerful capabilities for personal projects, ensuring that whether you're a business professional or an individual seeking valuable insights, Campion empowers you to achieve your goals with precision and efficiency.


Organization Type


Corporate Enterprises

Tech companies, financial institutions, retail chains

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Local businesses, startups, family-owned businesses

Educational Institutions

Universities, colleges, K-12 schools, online education platforms

Nonprofit Organizations

Charities, foundations, NGOs, community service organizations

Healthcare Providers

Hospitals, clinics, medical research facilities, health insurance companies

Government Agencies

Local, state, and federal government departments, public service entities

Hospitality Industry

Hotels, resorts, travel agencies, event management companies

Marketing and Advertising Firms

Ad agencies, market research firms, PR agencies

E-commerce and Retail

Online retailers, brick-and-mortar stores, consumer goods companies

Manufacturing and Industrial

Factories, supply chain management firms, industrial services companies

Financial Services

Banks, investment firms, insurance companies, fintech startups

Consulting Firms

Management consulting, IT consulting, HR consulting

Real Estate

Real estate agencies, property management firms, construction companies

Entertainment and Media

Film studios, TV networks, publishing houses, digital media companies


Telecom service providers, internet service providers, cable companies

Energy and Utilities

Power companies, renewable energy firms, water supply companies

Automotive Industry

Car manufacturers, dealerships, auto repair shops

Pharmaceuticals and Biotech

Drug manufacturers, biotech research firms, medical device companies

Professional Services

Legal firms, accounting firms, engineering firms


Individual Type



Writers, designers, developers, marketers


Business consultants, IT consultants, HR consultants

Event Planners

Wedding planners, conference organizers, party planners


Teachers, tutors, trainers, lecturers


Academic researchers, market researchers, scientists


Startup founders, small business owners, solopreneurs

Content Creators

Bloggers, vloggers, podcasters

Coaches and Mentors

Life coaches, career coaches, mentors


Book authors, eBook writers, journalists

Artists and Performers

Musicians, actors, visual artists

Project Managers

Independent project managers, volunteer coordinators

Community Leaders

Local community organizers, nonprofit volunteers


College students, graduate students, online learners

Health and Wellness Professionals

Personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists

Real Estate Agents

Independent realtors, property managers

Sales Professionals

Independent sales consultants, sales representatives

Customer Service Agents

Independent support agents, help desk operators

Social Media Managers

Independent social media strategists, influencers

HR Professionals

Independent HR consultants, career advisors


Freelance photographers, event photographers

Campaign Flow chart


Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What sets Campion apart from its competitors?

(Major competitors: Survey Monke, Zoho Survey, Google Form)

  • AI suggestions for actions based on collected feedback.

  • To-the-point AI-generated questions for surveys, without using predefined templates.

  • Real-time feedback streaming on the dashboard.

  • Grouping audiences based on various parameters.

  • Share campaigns on social media to collect responses.

  • Useful for both businesses and individuals.

  • Cost-effective application compared to its competitors.

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